The popular telenovela Umkhokha: The Curse has reached an unexpected and challenging end, as Mzansi Magic confirmed its cancellation due to financial struggles at Rhythm World Productions. This sudden announcement also revealed that salaries for the cast and crew have been delayed, causing considerable distress for those involved. In a letter to staff, Rhythm World Productions’ Chief Operating Officer, Nobukhosi Ndlovu, acknowledged the company’s “cashflow challenges” and apologized for the delayed payments, assuring that funds would be distributed once available.
Mzansi Magic further disclosed that My Brother’s Keeper will also come to an end as part of the network’s strategy to make room for fresh storytelling and shorter series formats. According to Shirley Adonisi, Director of Local Channels at M-Net, this shift aims to bring a broader diversity of voices to the screen, making way for new series that will “captivate audiences” while allowing the channel to evolve. Although the new shows taking over these timeslots have not been announced, Adonisi expressed gratitude toward Rhythm World Productions, along with the cast and crew, for their contributions in making Umkhokha: The Curse a cultural phenomenon.
Initially a limited 13-part series, Umkhokha: The Curse quickly grew in popularity, even releasing a gospel album titled Wonk’ AmaJudiya, further cementing its impact on South African television. Despite its success, the show’s cancellation is a stark reminder of the volatility within the entertainment industry, especially when financial issues impact creative projects and those behind them. Fans await updates on new programming, hoping the replacement series will capture the same essence and connection as the beloved Umkhokha: The Curse.